You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.3. Sales - Invoice Creation > Wait/Release Orders

Wait/Release Orders

Some companies allow entry of sales orders months in advance of when a customer actually needs the goods. This allows the company to plan for stock purchases even though the purchase orders might not actually be created until closer to the customer delivery date. The orders are then released to the customer at the appropriate time.

In Micronet, these are called "wait/release orders" and they work in conjunction with supply chain; your company must be configured for supply chain to be able to use this feature – see "Edit - Program - Supply Chain Config (v2.8)".

In addition, the Allow Supply Chain Wait Release Type field on the Supply Chain Configuration screen must be set to Yes – see "Setting up a Supply Chain (v2.8)".

The following topics explain how to create wait/release orders, how to edit them, and how to release them when the goods are to be delivered to the customer.

Invoice Creation - Wait/Release

Maintaining Wait/Release Orders

Releasing Wait/Release Orders